Tlc Plate Drawing Tool Download
Download ChemDraw Pro for free. ChemDraw Pro adds features such as chemical query properties, the ability to create and edit templates and nicknames, Relative Stereochemistry, ISIS/Draw Compatibility, Expansion of Generic Structures, TLC Plate Tool, the new Freehand Pen Tool, Fragmentation Tools, PolymerDraw, ChemProp, Structure Cleanup, calculation of Topological Polar Surface Area and the. Beyond a full set of chemical structure essentials such as rings, bonds, chains, atoms, and functional group tools, ChemDraw Prime also allows you to calculate properties, create chemical and lab equipment templates, and utilize handy TLC Plate drawing tools. User-favorited hotkeys and shortcuts enable you to draw faster than ever before. Steps for TLC: 1) Cut TLC plates. Usually silica plates are bought as square glass pieces that must be cut using a diamond tipped glass cutter and following a template. Before scoring the glass, use a ruler and a pencil to lightly mark baselines on the silica side of the plate (be careful not to remove any silica from the plate).
Tlc Plate Drawing Tools

then... |
Drag a border or corner. The number of lanes will not change. |
Drag the origin or solvent front line. |
Drag the origin tick to the new location. |
1. Control-click in the plate. NOTE: You can also delete lanes with the Eraser tool. |
Drag the spot. The Rf displays as you drag. |
Option+Drag the spot. |
Click on the spot with the Eraser tool. NOTE: If you erase all spots in a lane, the lane will be deleted. |
1. Control-click on a spot. NOTE: To display Rf for all spots, Control-click in the plate and select Show Rf from the TLC Spots submenu. |
1. Control-click on a spot. NOTE: To change the style for all spots, Control-click in the plate and choose the style from the TLC Spots submenu. |
Shift+drag the spot. When you position the cursor on a spot and press 'Shift', the cursor assumes one of three shapes, depending on how it is positioned: 2. Horizontal arrow -used to widen a spot. NOTE: You may want to zoom in to make positioning easier. |